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Support Systems for Working Families: A Cancer Cabinet Conversation

Support Systems for Working Families: A Cancer Cabinet Conversation As part of President Biden’s Cancer Cabinet, we hosted a Cancer Moonshot panel last week to share how agencies within the department are protecting and supporting workers affected by cancer. Our Associate Deputy Secretary of Labor Nikki McKinney kicked things off by highlighting the department’s role in enforcing laws and regulations

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Celebrate your financial independence

Celebrate your financial independence July is the month we celebrate our nation’s independence, but it can also be the month you celebrate your Financial Independence Day! Make this a time to review your current financial planning – including a financially secure retirement. Whether you’re early in your career or have been working for many years, it is important to check

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The Olmstead effect: Celebrating 25 years of positive change

The Olmstead effect: Celebrating 25 years of positive change Photograph of Lois Curtis and Elaine Wilson. Twenty-five years ago this month, a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling ushered in an era of profound and positive change for people with disabilities in America—as well as the agencies that serve and support them, including the department. The case was Olmstead v.

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For men, taking care of your family means taking care of yourself

For men, taking care of your family means taking care of yourself June is not only when we celebrate Father’s Day but also when we observe Men’s Health Month. This is no coincidence since we know that many men, particularly fathers, neglect their health. Work and family responsibilities take priority over that doctor’s appointment you should have scheduled months ago.

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Challenges and choices: Highlights from Triad 2024

Challenges and choices: Highlights from Triad 2024 Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su and Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Deputy Director for Field Operations Javier Ramirez at the Triad 2024 Conference in New York City. The Triad 2024 Conference recently held in New York City brought together practitioners, academics and neutrals, such as mediators and arbitrators, in labor relations to

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Updated federal grant guidance will help create good jobs

Updated federal grant guidance will help create good jobs Recently, the Biden-Harris administration issued important updates to the Office of Management and Budget’s Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance, also known as the “Uniform Grants Guidance,” which sets parameters for how states and localities, and others, can spend federal money and award it to private entities. These updates streamline and clarify

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