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Emplyment News

Inducting Gerald Bostock, Donald Zarda and Aimee Stephens into the Labor Hall of Honor

Inducting Gerald Bostock, Donald Zarda and Aimee Stephens into the Labor Hall of Honor On June 15, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark opinion in Bostock v. Clayton County, holding that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlaws sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees. Justice Neil Gorsuch, in the majority opinion,

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National Cybersecurity Awareness Month: 7 In-Demand IT Jobs

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month: 7 In-Demand IT Jobs   This October we recognize National Cybersecurity Awareness Month to ensure that all Americans have the resources and knowledge to keep their information safe and secure online. Computer-related occupations are expected to be in high demand over the 2022–32 decade due to the increase in digital materials and the need for enhanced

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Collaborating with Advocates Gets Construction Workers Paid

Collaborating with Advocates Gets Construction Workers Paid En español | Em português Diego Low (fourth from left) with other worker advocates and Wage and Hour Division staff At the Department of Labor, when we find workers who haven’t been paid, we do everything we can to ensure those workers receive all their hard-earned wages. But distributing back wages from our

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Registered Apprenticeship Heads to Space

Registered Apprenticeship Heads to Space Aerospace is a crucial and expanding industry that offers many opportunities for steady, good-paying jobs – and the demand for skilled workers is on the rise. Registered Apprenticeship offers a solution for both employers and jobseekers – creating opportunities for employers to develop the niche skills sets they rely on within their workforce, and for

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60 years ago, this report jump-started the gender equality agenda

60 years ago, this report jump-started the gender equality agenda Sixty years ago today, the Kennedy administration released “American Women”, the report of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women. The report was inspired by Esther Peterson, then director of the Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau. She had observed that while many women’s organizations had publicly called for greater

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7 Careers in Fire Fighting and Prevention

7 Careers in Fire Fighting and Prevention En español Fire Prevention Day (Oct. 9) and Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 8-14) are an opportunity to promote fire safety, educate the public on fire causes and risks, and recognize the efforts of firefighters and other fire prevention workers in the U.S. In honor of these observances, we are recognizing firefighting and prevention

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Advancing Safety and Equity for Latino Workers

Advancing Safety and Equity for Latino Workers En español From the earliest days of the modern labor movement, Latino workers have fought for better conditions and shaped the struggle for civil and workplace rights. As we mark Hispanic Heritage Month, we recognize their remarkable work, leadership and achievements. We acknowledge their vital role in our workforce today as well as

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Subpoenas 101

Subpoenas 101 Enforcement agencies across federal and state governments rely on voluntary compliance with the laws they enforce. For the most part, people and entities subject to agency regulation comply with the law. But there are times when they don’t, and when credible allegations of noncompliance come to an enforcement agency’s attention, the agency has the responsibility and the authority

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NDEAM 2023: Advancing Access and Equity

NDEAM 2023: Advancing Access and Equity October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), where we honor the skills of workers with disabilities who contribute to our nation’s workplaces and economy. We also recommit ourselves to ensuring they have equal opportunity to prepare for and succeed in employment—and on this front, we are encouraged by recent trends. In August 2021,

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4 Types of Employment Laws That Can Help Domestic Violence Survivors at Work

4 Types of Employment Laws That Can Help Domestic Violence Survivors at Work Domestic violence, which touches 17 million people in the U.S. each year, doesn’t only affect survivors’ physical and mental health and safety, it also impacts their ability to work and their economic security. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that nationally, 15.9 million women (12.7%)

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