Hotline: 678-408-1354

Branch Tech Support Specialist I (1250 East 200 South, Suite 1A)


A Branch Tech Support Specialist I is responsible for coordinating the initiation, development, design and technical light up for Academy Mortgage branches. Monitoring the process flow for all new, relocating, expansion, reduction, upgrade and closure projects. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: researching phone and data options from direct providers, negotiating contracts and renewals, coordinating site surveys, reviewing site surveys and scoping infrastructure work needed to bring a site to Academy standards, working hand in hand with networking and telecom teams to design and build a branch network and phone system, establish and maintain vendor relationships as well as internal department relationships.

Essential Functio n s & Resp o nsibilities

40% Manage and coordinate installation of IT services, infrastructure work, network design and phone system setup for new, relocating, expanding, upgrading and closing branches.

20% Initiate, develop and monitor process flows, and provide superior support for Branch, Regional, District Managers, internal departments and third party vendors.

20% Analyze and scope potential work, problems, goals, risks and deliverables.

10% Manage and maintain relationships with vendors and internal departments.

10% Perform other duties as assigned, including company initiatives.

Perform a nce Measureme n ts

Dem o nstrat e s kn o wled g e o f busine s s f un c ti o ns and o perati o ns. P o sse s ses s o l id o rgani z a tional skills, o r g anizes tasks, time, res o u rc es, and ve ndo rs effective l y. Dem o nstrat e s flexibil i ty i n the f a ce o f c h ange, and re s p o nds pr o m p tly and eff i ci e ntly to shift in g pri o ritie s , d e mands, and t i meline s . Dem o nstrat e s the ability t o w o rk c o lla bo ratively wi t h teams. Dem o nstrat e s exc e lle n t c o mm u nicati o n skills, b o th verbal and wr i tt e n. P r o active, sel f -dire c ted, a n d able to dri v e pr o je c ts a n d assignm e n t s with min im al super v isi o n. Coordinate network and telecom equipment order and installations with Network/Telecom teams. Travel to branch locations to assist and facilitate new, relocating, upgrading, and closing branches. Possesses excellent working knowledge of Academy corporate departments. Possesses excellent organizational skills both written and verbal. Ensures consistent customer satisfaction. ​Perform all other duties and assignments as needed.

Knowledge, Skills and Abili t ies

E xper i en c e & E d ucati o n E xper i en c e m ay be s u bsti t u t ed f o r e d u c ation. T he op posite also appli e s.

It is br o ken do wn as f o ll o ws:
A. 1-2 years’ e x perie n ce i n I T o r related fi e ld .

B. Completion of a specialized and extensive in house training or apprenticeship program.

C. 1-2 Years in t he M o rtg a ge industry preferred

In t er p ers o nal Skills A signif i cant l evel o f tru s t and d i pl o ma c y is requi r ed, in add i ti o n to n o rmal c o u rt e s y and tac t . W o rk in vo l v es ex t ensi v e pers o nal c o n t act with ot hers a nd is usually o f a pers o nal o r sensitive n ature. Requi r es eff e ctive c om m u ni c ation wi t h cust o mers a n d/ o r o ther empl o yees using c o mm o n networking, telecom and IT terminology. M u st be able to re a d, ex a m in e, and o rg a n i ze d o cum e nts.

Other Skills Team player, s uperb c omm unica t i o n, f o ll o w up, and n e g o tiat i ng skills.

P hysi c al R e q u ireme n ts May be required to move computer work stations, install, move or uninstall network and telecom equipment. M ay re q uire t he abil i ty to sit, stand, a nd walk ar o und f o r ext e nded pe r i o ds o f tim e .

W o rk E nvir on ment Po si t ion will o ften b e in a busy o ffi c e e n v ir o nmen t ; the a bili t y to mul t i task and f o cus in t his envir o nme n t is essen t ial.

Beneficial Skills Knowledge of IT/Helpdesk type support

Knowledge of printer configuration

Beneficial Certs A+ (Preferred)

Project Management (Preferred)

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Eltas EnterPrises Inc.
3978 Windgrove Crossing
Suite 200A
Suwanee, Georgia
30024, USA

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